Exceptional Communities Deserve Extraordinary Places to Drive, Work and Live

We help you discover what’s possible. Using the latest technology, we analyze the status quo, then work hand in hand with you to explore creative and practical solutions for long-term improvements.

At Avenew, we’re building the future of infrastructure — implementing new approaches to extend the life of your assets so you can keep your community growing.

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Your main street is our main event. Our decades of experience planning and executing successful projects — from major highway construction to city parks — make us reliable partners to clients in both the public and the private sectors.

“Joe McGuinness is a collaborator. He understands all levels and facets of leadership and government, and how private sector partners come alongside to make projects work.”

Chris Jensen

Mayor of Noblesville, Indiana

“If Joe McGuinness and Travis Underhill told me they were going to do something, I’d trust them completely. With those two, you know they’re going to follow through. They have that reputation.”

Rex Dillinger

Former Common Council Member and business owner in Noblesville, Indiana

“When you get Travis Underhill to make sure people are flowing and Joe McGuinness to make sure money is flowing, you end up with a project that moves.”

Gary Pool

County Engineer, Hancock County, Indiana